
critical point 【物理學】臨界點,駐點。

critical radius

He knew that this was almost equivalent to a defeat , and that the merest chance might now , in the critical point the battle was in , be the overthrow of himself and his troops 他知道,這一仗可以說是打輸了,眼前的戰局正處在千鈞一發的時刻,隨便一個哪怕最小的偶然事故,都可以毀掉他和他的軍隊。

Some solvability conditions of periodic solutions are obtained for a class of first order superquadratic non - autonomous hamiltonian systems in light of the minimax methods of critical point theory 摘要運用臨界點理論中的極小、極大方法得到一類超二次哈密頓系統的周期解的存在性的存在性定理。

As university students are at the critical point of their lives , it is the responsibility of the society , school and educators to help them to establish correct and scientific belief 大學生正處于人生選擇的關鍵時期,因此,幫助大學生樹立正確,科學的信仰是社會、學校和教育工作者的應有責任。

The p - elastica , the critical point for the total polynomial curvature functional on those curves with a fixed length satisfying given boundary conditions , is discussed 主要研究了在具有固定長度、且滿足給定邊界條件的曲線上定義的總多項式曲率泛函的臨界點,即所謂p -彈性曲線。

By the way , there is something deserves to be mentioned : by means of transcritical bifurcation , we get a special type of critical point 值得一提的是,為了完整地得到系統的全局拓撲結構,本文利用跨臨界分支定理得到了一種特殊的高階奇點類型,即復雜奇點及復雜奇點。

This paper also finds out that the critical points in crft braced frame structure are joint and brace design , and detailed investigations on brace design are carried on 此外,本文提出方鋼管砼框架?支撐結構設計的關鍵在于節點與支撐,并對支撐的設計做了較為深入的研究。

The paper also investigates the influence of stalling of induction motor to pv curves and voltage static stability , and studies the method for selecting the critical point 同時分析了感應電動機失穩對pv曲線和靜態電壓穩定的影響,并研究了電壓穩定臨界點選擇的方法。

Experimental studies on phase transitions of binary liquid mixture with polymer revealed a possible universality class at the critical point ( kiwing to ) 在二元混合液相分離實驗中我們找到在臨界點新普適類別的數據;在顆粒流在漏斗堵塞實驗中我們研究其堵塞機制(杜其永) 。

Based on the critical point algorithm and zero - match algorithm , an improved algorithm for finding sample points of algebraic decomposition was proposed 基于非線性多項式方程的零點配對算法以及臨界點算法,給出了一種求平面代數剖分樣本點的改進算法。

Professor keqing xia is a leading scientist in the studies of fluid turbulence and also an expert in the studies of polymer solutions near critical points 夏克青教授是流體湍流領域中杰出的科學家,同時也是研究近鄰界點的聚合物溶液方面的專家。

Content : labor - technology education is the key point of nowadays “ international education , and it is also the critical point of course reform of many countries 勞動技術教育是當今世界各國教育所關注的重點,也是許多國家課程改革成敗的關鍵。

Even a small blast at a critical point on an aircraft ' s fuselage could puncture the outside skin , causing rapid depressurisation and a lethal crash 即使是很小的爆炸,如果發生在飛機機身關鍵部位也可以刺穿外部機身,導致急速減壓和致命的墜毀。

“ in orbit , drainage of the foam is virtually absent , so we can bring a foam to the critical point and then explore it at our leisure , “ durian says 德瑞恩說: “在太空軌道上,泡沫絕對不會透水,所以我們能讓泡沫抵達臨界點,然后在從容地研究它.

The world automobile industry now lies in a critical point of transferring from the traditional vehicle to ev ( electric vehicle ) 世界電動汽車工業正處在由傳統汽車向電動汽車轉型的關鍵時刻,也是中國汽車工業趕超世界汽車工業的有利契機。

Some health experts say that we are in the critical point where we need to free ourselves from being continually poisoned by the exposure to pesticides 有關保健專家生動地指出,在解除自我毒化方面,人類已經到了唱國際歌的時候了。

At last , whatever the type of co - competition , the outcome is that the quantity of suppliers is close unlimitedly to the minimum critical point 最后求解得出,不管哪種合作競爭類型,其供應商數量都無限接近于最低臨界點的數量。

Both the triple point and the critical point we obtained are quite close to the experimental results and the computer simulation ( 38 ) . 2 結果表明,我們所得的三相點和臨界點的值和實驗結果及計算機模擬的結果相比十分接近。

I just wanted to mention some of the other features that i have discovered , which might be a critical point in determining the shopping cart you want 我只是想提一些其他特點,我發現,這可能是一個臨界點,在決定你想要購物車

It is shown that the origin is indeed a critical point of higher order . there exsist different kinds of topological structures in a neighborhood of the origin 原點是一個高階奇點,在它的鄰域內存在多種拓撲結構。